Can Neck Pain Cause Headaches


Can Neck Pain Cause Headaches

    neck pain

  • Neck pain (or cervicalgia) is a common problem, with two-thirds of the population having neck pain at some point in their lives.
  • has many causes.  Most doctors know to look for a herniated disk or facet arthritis.  Our doctors, Anna Bittner, M.D. and Tim Taylor, M.D., go beyond those easy-to-find problems to carefully search for other problems.
  • As thyroid cancer grows, it may put pressure on nearby nerves and structures, causing pain. The pain may irritate nerves, causing the sensation of pain to run from the area of the thyroid all the way up to the ears.


  • A headache or cephalgia is pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. It can be a symptom of a number of different conditions of the head and neck. The brain tissue itself is not sensitive to pain because it lacks pain receptors.
  • A continuous pain in the head
  • (headache) concern: something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness; “New York traffic is a constant concern”; “it’s a major worry”
  • (headache) pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs
  • A thing or person that causes worry or trouble; a problem

can neck pain cause headaches

At the specialist. (my pity party in the description)

At the specialist. (my pity party in the description)

SIDE NOTE: I’m very discouraged and in a bad mood today… this is my rant. I understand one day, eventually, I will get better but, it’s been almost 4 months now and getting better is…. well, not in my super near future. I feel like everything that I want to do and love is being ripped from me. All because a little disc that’s out of place. I can’t kiss, rub my lips together for chapstick or lick my lips w/o being in pain… that’s how bad this dumb thing is.

Let see… me in a nutshell:

Fav. Candy – Air Heads, peppermint bark, lavender chocolate truffles

Fav. Dessert – Creme Brulee, Tiramisu

Fav. type of food – Chinese – the real kind and the Americanized… LOVE Bok Choy. Panda express is disgusting and doesn’t count though….

Fav. Meal – Something with seafood… having a hard time deciding here but… Originally from Florida and baby, I like my fish, shrimp, crab and lobster. Possibly pan fried scallops and a nice small salad… sooooooooo good when done right.

Fav. Snack – Peaches, granny smith apples, grapes, power bars (I know lol), Brazilian nuts, Almonds or raw spanish peanuts, english muffin toasted w butter and honey…

Fav. Drink – Arnold Palmer (half Iced tea, half lemonade) or anything with pomegranate.

Fav. Alcoholic drink – Old Rasputin’s Russian Imperial Stout OR Red Wines- a nice Syrah or Tempranillo – something spicy but w/o a dry after taste.

Fav. things to do – Act, Improvisation, Singing, Krav Maga (high impact martial arts…) , Photography/modeling for my own photos, crochet.

Personality- sometimes bubbly but… easily put down. Self esteem- mediocre.


At this point in time I’m not able to eat anything over the consistency of Apple Sauce w/o getting a headache. I couldn’t eat a power bar if my life depended on it. I tried to eat 1 tortilla chip the other day and I thought I might die lol. Soooo I can eat… my deserts, the creme brulee only if it’s not bruleed lol. I can eat fish if done right…. People don’t understand there’s something wrong w me because I look fine on the outside. The only thing that’s changed is physically about me is that I’ve lost about 15 pounds. I can’t do Krav because of muscle spasms in my neck and shoulder that are being caused by the tmj plus, in order to take class I need something more substantial to eat than a smoothie. I used to have to eat 300-400 cal before class and the same after.. it’s like bootcamp for an hour… I’m not allowed to take class because it’s high impact and my joints are so unstable at the moment that if accidentally hit in the face I could end up w/ a disc slipped all the way forward which would be VERY bad… my chances of getting better would much go down the shitter.

When I get better I will not be allowed (HIGHLY DISCOURAGED) to eat anything chewy or hard to chew. Good bye airheads, powerbars, gum and caramel….

I’m not supposed to eat anything very hard this list includes:
nuts, apples (tg for apple sauce) , hard breads, biscotti… you catch my drift.

Singing is highly discouraged because you aren’t supposed to keep your mouth open for long periods of time or open it wide and singing lends towards that.

My doctor has told me NOT to talk right now… most of the things I like to do… I can’t. Talking literally hurts my face 😦 so, until I get better speaking is a minimum… It causes a headache that vicodin can barely cure. Not talking will help me heal quicker but… I’m just so miserable and.. it’s hard to have friends when you can’t talk. I’m starting to think I should go learn sign language and hang out w deaf people (I DO NOT mean that to be offensive towards deaf people). At least I’d have a way of talking to people.

Now, I understand that things could be worse and things will get better but… most ppl w tmj have a "flare up" for a week or two (unless they’re really hurt) and it’s been 4 months. sigh fml. I just really want to get better. I can’t even get a job or something like that at the moment because I can’t talk. I don’t think I could tell my manager… "hey I’m sorry but… it just hurts to much to talk to customers right now… peace out…" lol.

I’m pissed, upset, I don’t know what I did to have this problem.

Ok, done bitching. I want to do a photoshoot of me soon, I’ve just been so out… well yeah… Will post a pic of my bestie soon, we did a pin up shoot for V-day 🙂

Neck Pain – Chiropractor in Port St Lucie

Neck Pain - Chiropractor in Port St Lucie
Dr. Raymond Sykes, chiropractor in Port St Lucie treats neck pain caused by accidents, sports injuries or stress.